Acknowledging ancestors, land, teachers
The more I step into this work, the more aware I am of not being alone in it. To that end, this page is a way for me to name and acknowledge those humans, places and beings who have come before me, from whom I have learned and continue to learn.
I am grateful to my family and my ancestors. This includes my chosen family - my partner and our daughter - my parents, brothers and relatives, my recent ancestors - grandparents that I knew, great-grandparents that I knew briefly or knew of - and all the way back to my deep ancestors, who I can have a sense of without knowing them personally or by name. To my Busia and Babi, I feel you with me and am grateful for your presence and support. Thanks for being with me. I honor and thank my ancestors who lived in various parts of Europe, including modern day Poland, Germany, Scotland and England. I like to imagine my ancestors who cooked over a fire, knew the plant medicines of their region, and, likely, had some witchiness in them.
I am grateful to all the places I have lived. The mountains, hills, valleys, prairies, high desert, lakes, woods, rivers and streams, who have been my guides, teachers and supports throughout the years. I carry you with me, in my feet, in my body and bones. Deep gratitude to all the beings who share this earth with us. You, too, are my ancestors. Thank you for your presence and wisdom.
I am grateful to the place I now call home, the ancestral lands of the Pocumtuc, known today as Montague, Massachusetts. I have felt welcomed by you. Since being here, I have learned more about listening to you and the more-than-human beings who live here, which includes listening to, learning about and understanding the history of this place. You continue to offer me wisdom and grace. May I continue to live into my intent of respectful and reciprocal relationship with you.
To my teachers and my teachers’ teachers, back and back. I am grateful for you. Thank you for sharing and, at times, updating what you have been taught, for sharing your wisdom and life experience with me and others. For supporting me in finding my own voice and in following my own path, even when it diverges from yours.