An invitation to consider your own relationship to the land. What might I have to offer? What happens if I pause to listen more? What if I consider that in the same way I benefit from being outside, the beings around me could benefit from my presence? We are not as separate from the Earth as we might believe ourselves to be.
May we all be safe
Most, if not all of us, know the experience of feeling anxious or being in some level of fight, flight or freeze, deadening or collapse. We know what it is like to feel scared, uncertain, worried, agitated, or irritable. Metta meditation can help us experience a feeling of safety and a settled nervous system. This practice is an invitation to connect to feelings of well-being, ease, peace, and happiness for yourself and the world.
Loneliness, Grief and Connection
Healing is Possible
My biggest take away from this experience is that, as the title of this blog says, healing is possible. It may not look how we expect it to. It may be on the physical, emotional or spiritual level. We might not be aware of it as it is happening, but some day, down the line, we may look back and realize how far we have come.
Living in the Here and Now
Our culture is one of busy-ness, productivity and being on the go. It can be an act of resistance to slow down. An act of self-care. A form of activism. What keeps us all moving so fast? What are we afraid would happen if we paused? How do we come back into balance and cultivate habits of pausing, slowing down and being present?